We’ve touched on nutrient-rich foods that are beneficial for the management of fibroid related symptoms before, like cruciferous veg, foods high in fiber and many more! 🥦 But did you know there are also foods that aggravate your symptoms? For best results in managing your fibroids, try to avoid the following foods: 

🌭 High-fat, processed meats

🧀 High-fat dairy products

🧂 Foods high in salt

🍞 Refined carbohydrates

👉 Soy

🍭 Refined sugar

☕ Caffeine

🍺 Alcohol

If you’ve been diagnosed and would like to undergo non-invasive, permanent treatment for fibroids, kindly get in touch via our website 👉 www.fibroids.co.za or send us a message online 🌸


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