Fallopian Tube Recanalisation: How it’s done

Here are the steps we take to clear blockages in the fallopian tubes, via a Fallopian Tube Recanalization (FTR):

👉 At the start, patients will receive an intravenous drip and short-acting medication to assist with mild discomfort and for sedation.

👉 A speculum is then placed in the vagina and a small catheter is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.⁣

👉 A liquid dye called ‘contrast’ is injected through a catheter to fill and examine the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes (to assess whether one or both tubes are blocked). If a fallopian tube is blocked, there will be no spillage of the dye into the abdominal cavity.⁣

👉 If a fallopian tube is found to be blocked, a soft microwire is then threaded through the fallopian tube to clear the blockage.

If you’ve been diagnosed and would like to learn more about non-surgical FTR treatment, please visit our website www.fibroids.co.za or send us a message online 💐

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