A wonderful update from a past patient who opted for Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) 🌻 If you are interested in learning more about permanent, non-invasive treatment for fibroids, please visit our website: www.fibroids.co.za or send us a message online.


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Fibroids and Anemia

Fibroids and Anemia

Did you know loss of blood can also mean loss of hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein found in red blood cells? When iron begins to abnormally deplete from the blood, it can no longer carry oxygen and this is known as iron-deficiency anemia. This form of anaemia is...

How effective is FTR?

How effective is FTR?

  With a remarkable technical success rate of 90% to remove blockages, Fallopian Tube Recanalization (FTR) stands as the prime choice for addressing blocked fallopian tubes  🌹 These blockages can affect fertility, often arising from factors such as 👇 🌻 Scarring...