by Marketing | Set 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
While many people think of fibroids as only affecting women over 30, they aren’t limited to a specific stage in life. They can impact teenagers, women of childbearing age, and even those post-menopause. With 70-80% of women developing fibroids in their lifetime,...
by Marketing | Set 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
Q: Do fibroids cause painful periods? A: Prostaglandins, naturally occurring chemicals in the body, can exacerbate pain associated with fibroids by 👇 1️⃣ Increasing inflammation in the uterus due to fibroids. 2️⃣ Intensifying uterine contractions, leading to more...
by Marketing | Ago 24, 2023 | fibroids treatment, fibroids, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, Women in White
Did you know that 44% of women diagnosed with uterine fibroids have never heard of Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE) as a treatment option? UFE is performed through a tiny incision in the wrist, during which a radiologist will inject tiny particles into the fibroids,...
by Marketing | Jul 28, 2023 | fibroids treatment, fibroids, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, Women in White
Q: Who’s is most likely to get fibroids? A: Various factors can impact the formation of fibroids but here are the higher risk scenarios 👇 ✅ Women aged 30 to 40, but they can occur at any age. ✅ Family history of fibroids ✅ African decent ✅ A diet of red meat ✅...
by Marketing | Jul 26, 2023 | fibroids treatment, fibroids, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, Women in White
Uterine fibroids are generally asymptomatic, but can in some cases lead to a number of symptoms including 👇 🌷Abdominal discomfort and bloating 🌷Constipation 🌷Urinary frequency and retention issues 🌷Painful periods 🌷Pain during sexual intercourse 🌷Back ache 🌷Heavy...